Introducing: Automatic Reservation Markers
A few years back, we added a Reservation Markers feature that allows you to mark specific reservations as "important", "flagged" or "starred" and track those markers across the customer journey.
Today, we're making Reservation Markers even more useful by adding marker automation!
Under Reservations->Automatic Reservation Markers, you now have the ability to add email addresses that will be automatically marked when new bookings come through.
This can be useful to give your team a heads up about VIP's, customers who need a little extra help, or those who have repeatedly caused problems in the past.
To better address that last case, we've also added a new "warning" marker that works just like the others:

Just as with other standard reservation markers, you'll see the marker count...
At the top of each event on your calendar:

At the top of the Event Detail screen:

And below each reservation as you check guests in:

We hope you find this helpful!